I love Nebraska... and I hate Nebraska. 
This place confuses and frustrates me, to the point where I've thought about talking with my wife about moving out of Nebraska completely. 
But... this is my home. 
So in these absolutely historically interesting times, I think it's my duty to take more photos of Nebraska right now. 
I'll shoot it all - history will be the one to point fingers and judge. 
I'm not sure what this project will become, but I'm really interested in seeing how it plays out.
This is the photo that started the project...
If there's one image I've taken in the last few years that's made me think, it's this one. 
It was cold as hell and windy, but I stood there a good five minutes looking at this on the other side of the Nebraska highway. 
Cars passed by, seemingly confused why I'd be standing like an idiot in the snowy wind... but this scene really hit me. 
It's so easy for me to be judgmental, insulting, and angry. 
I so badly want to be angry at this person, and so many people who think this way. 
But there is no easy answer. None. I've met a lot of these people. 
Talked with them, and they are not bad people, no matter how they voted, or how badly someone like this hates me. 

Religion is part of the puzzle I'm exploring with this series. 
For years, these small towns would boast of having more churches than bars - and they'd be right.
 But for a long time, small town places of worship have been dying - along with the rest of the community. 
I used to think it might be insulting to speak in these terms - but the heart of America is rotting away. 
There's no denying it. 
And small town churches have been hit hard - maybe deservedly so?
Because when I think of these places, I think of darkness. 
I can't shake the idea that the people who go to these churches (sometimes?) think transgender people existing should be a crime, all while ignoring the fact that a significant and disturbing percentage of catholic priests are pedophiles. 
How do you believe in a religion that can be so blatantly evil to protect predator priests over  children? 

Am I losing my mind? 
Maybe that's what this project is: A slow descent into a void of madness. 
And you get to be there to see it.

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